Information Security

Information Security Management System Basic Policy


Based on our management philosophy of "contributing to the future of people, society, and the world by providing superior value through wisdom and creativity," we believe that corporate ethics are thoroughly implemented when each and every employee shares a common sense of ethics. By combining this ethics with JRC's information technology, we will further improve information security and realize a business that our customers can use with peace of mind.

Basic Policy

  • We strive to maintain and improve the balance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets handled in our business activities, and to improve human, organizational, and technical security.
  • We will position our customers' information assets as the most important information, and will take priority measures to protect them.
  • We will also adequately manage and supervise third parties, such as contractors, who have access to customer information and personal information.
  • We will thoroughly educate and enlighten our employees to ensure that they comply with laws, regulations, and norms related to information security.
  • Penalties will be applied to employees who violate such laws and regulations.
  • In the event of an information security problem, we will promptly investigate the cause, correct it, and take measures to prevent recurrence.
  • We will continuously improve information security through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle.

March, 2020
Representative Director and President
Takeshi Koarai


登録事業者 : 日本無線株式会社

  • 経営戦略本部 IT推進部 (登録活動範囲 : 1)
  • 事業本部 ソリューション事業部 (登録活動範囲 : 2)

登録活動範囲 :

  • 全社の情報システムの構築・運用・管理
  • 顧客要求事項に基づく、通信装置・情報処理・電波応用装置を応用したシステムの設計・開発

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